Spay & Neuter List
We spay and neuter as many of the animals we care for as financially possible. Sterilization is crucial to eliminating the overpopulation issue plaguing Rabat. Furthermore, the more animals we sterilize, the less mouths we have to feed in the future, and the more resources we can spend on giving the animals we care for the best treatment possible.
If you would like to help us spay and neuter our animals, you can help by donating to the cause. Listed below are the animals on our website that still need to be sterilized. To financially sponsor a specific animal's sterilization, just click the sponsor button listed in their description.
100% of the donation will go towards that animal's surgery. So, we're only asking for exactly what our veterinarian charges per surgery. This sponsorship is a one-time donation via PayPal, and will not be recurring.
For cats: the cost of each male neuter is 25 euros, and the cost of each female spay is 40 euros.
For dogs: the cost of both spay and neuter is 50 euros.